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About Us

  Following my father's footsteps I learned the flooring trade beginning at the age of 15. I progressed further than I could have ever imagined filling his shoes at one point. When you learn a trade the most important factor is who you learn from, for me this was my Dad. Flooring installation is by far one of the hardest trades there is and with it comes the vast array of characters you might expect. The punishment to do this type of work on a daily basis comes with the trade and has to be excepted in one form or another. No installer should ever take out their frustration or anguish on a job or a customer. Sadly this happens often in the integrity of their work. Lack of pay, poor job conditions, or even pain the installer can no longer deal with can all cause a job to go bad, Then you have bad installers all together, people who really don't care anymore or maybe never at all. I, with all honesty have never let anything change the quality of work I have done. Even on my worst days I would consider myself better than a lot of installers out there. No one is perfect and "things" happen that we may have no control over. I will do the best I can, to the best of my ability for you, your family, or your business. Thank you for reading this and most of all that you for your business. My family and I appreciate you. Chris Mayer

All rights reserved CM Flooring© 2019

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